Are you familiar with the following dance? You lean in to offer guidance to your struggling college student, and sensing your support is not well received, you step away. You want to respect their independence, but wonder if you’re doing enough. Or maybe too much? What if they aren’t meeting the potential you know they have? The potential you so clearly see in them? If you’ve known the tension of this awkward back and forth of genuinely wanting to help but not wanting to come across as pushy, you are not alone!
Statistics show that student retention at the college level is a continuing problem. This means that keeping your student in school (and successful at that) requires more than just helping them with schoolwork and timelines. Your best approach is to lean on professionals. Academic Coaching takes the pressure off of having to navigate the push/pull cycle, and offers both you and your student the space needed to enjoy your relationship!
Here are 3 ways in which investing in Academic Coaching can help you break away from the awkward dance of trying to help and not harm:
If you’ve been looking for permission to invest in Academic Coaching, here it is! Click here to find out more about how we can help!